7:41 AM

Planning (i think) for your once in a lifetime birthday celebration is
the most enjoyable things you could have done in your life. It's based on my experience because it's just like i'm daydreaming. They said that debut is every girl's dream. So get a pen and a paper to list down some ideas for your debut party.

1. Think of your favorite color for your motif- For me, i like all colors. This is one of the hardest decision I've made during planning for my debut party. After days of choosing color/s, I chose color Pink and Gold. I thought that the combination of the two colors are elegant and sophisticated.

2. Choose a simple yet elegant gown- Some girls want to have a "bongga" gown or overdressed gown, but in my opinion, like they said, "SIMPLICITY IS THE KEYNOTE OF ALL TRUE ELEGANCE". It is hard to find ready-to-wear modest gowns, but it's okay! I found some gown shops who are selling shawl. So here is my gown. At first it's sleeveless but when I put my shawl, ta-dah!

3. No to over make-up- I'm glad to have my childhood friend as my make-up artist in my event. She just put a light make up but a fascinating one! We all know that everything "too much" is not good. So here are some behind-the-scenes during make-up session.

4. Inivtations!!- Oooops! I forgot about this one. Hihi. In your invitation, you may use a wax stick or a candle with an embossed letter of your name. You can search it on the internet on how to make a wax seal. It's easy and fun!

5. Giveaways or party favors- I am addicted to shoes so my party favors are shoes! But it's just miniature shoes. Hahaha! You can think of a thing you are addicted to and you can search on the internet if where you can buy that thing. I prefer that your party favors are miniature of a thing because your guests will truly appreciate it. You may also want to make a cupcakes for your guests if you like.

6. Foods!- My favorite part!! You can contact catering services near you or you can search again on the internet. I love food tasting!

7. Cotillion- You can also have a cotillion dance. I had a cotillion dance and our music is "A Thousand Years" by The Piano Guys. You can check on for steps in that cotillion dance. You can search many of them.

This just an ideas for your debut party. But it's all your choice to make your debut party a memorable one in your life. Enjoy, and Advance Happy Birthday!

*some photos during my debut*

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