8:08 AM

Being the only girl child is really challenging. But why? When mom is not in the house, you're the one who is responsible to cook, to wash clothes, to take care of your brothers, to clean, etc. In short, you are the second mom in the family. And that is my responsible in our family. But in the other side, it's okay to be the only girl child. Because
sometimes, you have the power to get and buy things easily. :)))

So meet my super duper happy family!

(from left to right: My father, Sandi Llanera; My mother, Nemia Llanera holding my lil' brother, Shiloh Keitaro Llanera; Me, Karizza Llanera; My lil' brother, Shiblon Kurt Llanera; My big brother, Shazer Keith Llanera)

My father is an Area Sales Manager in a cement corporation. My mother is a housewife mom. Shiloh, my favorite brother (i'm sorry for my other 2 bros haha) is a special child given by God. He has a down syndrome and having a brother like him is so amazing! He always tests my patience. Hahaha!! Here's my favorite pics with him

Kurt, is my rival in all things! Hahha just kidding. He's already 9 years old and will turn 10 on September. Lastly, kuya Shazer. He is currently on his mission in Philippines Naga Mission. And guess what?! He will finish his mission this September! We're very excited to see him after 2 years. (yeeheeeey)

I'm grateful to be their unica hija but sometimes, pressure does kills me. But whenever i'm pressured by others because i'm Llanera's princess, I always think that I can do better than they are expecting me. I really want to be challenged. I love challenges. It make me, me. It makes me to become a stronger person than I am when I was still a kid.

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